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Building Skills, Trust, and Relationships: Kevin Rooney

As we gear up for the exciting TechWalk event on August 23rd at Central Park, the spotlight turns to Kevin Rooney, the Senior Director of Sales Development at Demandbase. A dedicated member of the Demandbase team since 2014, Kevin's journey offers a unique window into how forging meaningful relationships can steer your career toward triumph.

The Heart of Success: Building Bridges for a Flourishing Career

In the dynamic tech landscape, Kevin Rooney's insight resonates profoundly: cultivating relationships is a cornerstone for enduring success. He firmly believes that fostering positive connections lays the groundwork for creative problem-solving, personal evolution, and overall achievement. "It might not always be a breeze, but the outcomes are worth the effort." Kevin's trajectory highlights that investing in connections not only amplifies your current role but also casts a positive ripple across diverse companies and positions.

Practical Career Wisdom from Kevin

For those aspiring to follow in Kevin's footsteps, his advice is grounded and pragmatic: be ready to go beyond your job description. Kevin's personal journey of growth involved immersing himself in different skill sets. From mastering Salesforce reports to collaborating closely with senior leaders, his commitment to constant learning stands out. His message is clear: arming yourself with a diverse skill set empowers you to tackle the evolving challenges of management.

Kevin's Success With Networking

Kevin's networking approach is results-driven. He starts by fostering credibility and trust within his immediate professional circle. A prime example of this strategy lies in his partnership with former colleague Evan Nissenbaum. When Evan transitioned to Carrot Fertility, Kevin's reputation paved the way for a fruitful collaboration. Not only did this collaboration bring Demandbase's solutions to the forefront, but it also led to impactful training opportunities.

Kevin's Dream Networking: Break Down The Office Walls

Kevin's dream networking scenario reveals a refreshing perspective. An avid New York Jets fan, he envisions an event that transcends titles and roles. His dream networking affair involves a Jets tailgate, where industry peers, accompanied by their families, gather to celebrate shared passions and forge bonds beyond the confines of work. Kevin's vision represents his philosophy: authentic relationships flourish when we connect on a human level.

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